Chronological Bible Reading Plan – Old Testament, Week 1

This first week of Bible Study looks at the very beginning, and at some of the foundations of the Christian Faith.

The Subjects covered include: Creation, The Fall, The Flood and Babel.


The God of Everything Creates the universe, the Earth and Life.

Day 1

Reading: Genesis 1 – 2. This will bring you from the beginning of everything to the creation of Adam and Eve.

Day 2

Reading: Psalms 8. Psalms 104. John 1: 1 – 3. This will show our worth and responsibilities as humans, as God’s Creation. The passage in John, acts as a reflection of the original reading in Genesis 1:1.

The Fall, God’s judgement and subsequent Covenant to Man

Day 3

Reading: Genesis 3 – 5. These passages describe The Fall, the story of Cain and Abel, and also the descendants of Adam all the way to the birth of Noah.

Day 4

Reading: Genesis 6 – 7. Here we see the increasing level of corruption on Earth, and Noah being instructed to build the Ark and prepare for the flood. In Genesis chapter 7, the flood is described along with the impact of it on life on earth.

Day 5

Reading: Genesis 8 – 9. Psalm 12. The flood subsides and God makes a covenent with Noah (to mankind). God then blessed Noah and Here we see the increasing level of corruption on Earth, and Noah being instructed to build the Ark and prepare for the flood. In Genesis chapter 7, the flood is described along with the impact of it on life on earth.

Day 6

Reading: Genesis 10 – 11. The Genealogy of Noah’s descendants are given. Genesis 11 describes Babel, and the change from one language to many.The lesson that the people are to learn here is that they had become over confident, arrogant even, in their own abilities and not to rely on God.

Shem’s and Terah’s decendants are also described in Genesis 11.



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