Redemption describes being delivered from sin and the receipt of salvation. Redemption is atonement for our guilt, our sin. “God’s plans for the redemption of his world.”
The Reformation is the set of radical changes that took place in the Western church in the 16th century. The most prominent leaders of this change were Martin Luther and John Calvin. The Reformation had a significant impact on political, economic, and social aspects of society as well as organised religion. The Reformation became the basis for the Protestant movement which is one of the major branches of Christianity.
This describes turning away from sin to God’s will. Sin is any act that is in opposition to God’s will, as described in the Bible. Repentance is essential to the salvation of the Christian believer, and is also required as an ongoing practice – because we all, including Christians, are sinners.
The Restoration Movement is a Christian movement associated with Thomas and Alexander Campbell. They believed that churches had abandoned, or fallen away from, the teachings of Christ and the New Testament. Typically, the idea of a ‘denomination’ is rejected by Restoration Movement churches. These are independent churches who often use the title ‘church [or churches] of Christ’. Evangelical Christians and church of Christ Christians are close in their beliefs. Some churches of Christ do not use musical instruments during their worship, but others do (for those that don’t it is because they are not specifically mentioned in the New Testament as being used during worship).
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